Spreading the expertise

Interchange Recycling

Awareness Campaign

This campaign had a clear goal: position Interchange as the experts in recycling oil and antifreeze to younger people.

And so, we met young people on their terms. Using more digital media than before allowed us to be hyper-contextual and take the low-interest category of oil recycling, cozy up to the viewer’s personal interests, and then bridge the gap of relevance.

We created dozens of fun but focused ads that stated what Interchange does well, leaving loads of room to playfully highlight what they don’t do.

And since peoples’ interest range from gaming to beauty, sports to food or news to pet videos, we got to drive brand recall without wearing out its welcome.

From YouTube to buses, campuses, social media, and sponsorships, we brought a smart, contextual approach everywhere.

We even created YouTube ads within hours to jump on trending topics, memes and events, keeping Interchange relevant, memorable and as the experts in their own field.